How Project Workflow is defined for each job/project in e·silentpartner.

The purpose of this section is to describe how Project Workflow is defined for each job/project in e·silentpartner. Accordingly, this section consists of five main areas:

  • Setup – the “Prep” work
  • Planning and Execution
  • Reporting
  • Project Management for Project Managers
  • Project Management for All Team Members

There are different ways to create and manage Project Plans. But all of them share the same basic elements:

  • Project Plans need to belong to a Job. Job creation is the first step to creating a Plan.

  • Plans are made out of tasks. Tasks are the ‘what’ needs to be done, a list of all the steps needed to complete a job.

    • Tasks can be grouped by Milestones.
  • Tasks are assigned to Resources. They are the team members, the ‘who’ will work on the task from beginning to end.

  • Tasks can have start and due dates, this is the ‘when’ a task needs to take place, from beginning to end.

    • Tasks also have Done dates, which will mark the actual date when a task was completed.
    • Done dates can be manually typed by a Project Manager, or automatically
      populated once all the team members assigned have completed their work.
  • Tasks can be further defined:

    • Define roles that are needed
    • Items that will be used
    • General description, a note with the basic details
    • Communication, you can use our Blog functionality to maintain communication with team members
    • Pings
    • DART, creation of a workflow.

Please take time to review this section carefully. Use these features to augment your best practices in the successful execution of your projects.