How Project Workflow is defined for each job/project in e·silentpartner.
The purpose of this section is to describe how Project Workflow is defined for each job/project in e·silentpartner. Accordingly, this section consists of five main areas:
- Setup – the “Prep” work
- Planning and Execution
- Reporting
- Project Management for Project Managers
- Project Management for All Team Members
There are different ways to create and manage Project Plans. But all of them share the same basic elements:
Project Plans need to belong to a Job. Job creation is the first step to creating a Plan.
Plans are made out of tasks. Tasks are the ‘what’ needs to be done, a list of all the steps needed to complete a job.
- Tasks can be grouped by Milestones.
Tasks are assigned to Resources. They are the team members, the ‘who’ will work on the task from beginning to end.
Tasks can have start and due dates, this is the ‘when’ a task needs to take place, from beginning to end.
- Tasks also have Done dates, which will mark the actual date when a task was completed.
- Done dates can be manually typed by a Project Manager, or automatically
populated once all the team members assigned have completed their work.
Tasks can be further defined:
- Define roles that are needed
- Items that will be used
- General description, a note with the basic details
- Communication, you can use our Blog functionality to maintain communication with team members
- Pings
- DART, creation of a workflow.
Please take time to review this section carefully. Use these features to augment your best practices in the successful execution of your projects.