How to send notifications when a task is completed (ping)

You can send automatic notifications when a task is marked as completed. This can be useful for notifying accounting for billing purposes or other team members for project plan purposes.

  1. Click on the “More Task Actions” icon on the right of the task and select the “Pings” option:
  1. On the next window:

a. Select the percentage or amount that should be billed when this task is completed.
b. Insert a message for the recipients.
c. Select the people you want to notify.
d. Click the Insert button. Remember this will send a notification only when the task is marked as “Done”.

  1. Once you insert it, click on “Save” to confirm your selection or “Delete” if you want to remove the notification set:
  1. If later on you wish to cancel the notification, follow the same process and click the “Delete” button.