
This provides a calendar display of media for a specified client and optionally campaign and product for a specified month.


This provides and on-screen report of all or selected media codes including code, description, active status and ‘as of’ date.


This provides and on-screen report of all vendors or a subset by Insertion, Broadcast, or Online media vendors. The report displays outlet code and name, item, vendor code and name, and media type.

Material Closing

This provides and on-screen report in HTML, Calendar, or Chart format of materials or space close dates for insertion, broadcast, and/or online orders. Select for a date range for selected or all clients, campaigns, products and pub/stations.

Select the 'Exclude Done Order Lines' option to exclude order lines with a status of DONE that are vendor invoiced or closed.

Accrued Media

The Accrued Media report generates based upon the fiscal period sub-ledger for this year or next year. This report ties to the Accrued Media account(s) on the balance sheet and should be verified at least monthly to ensure all is in balance.

Media order lines will appear on this report if they were billed to the client but not vendor invoiced in total. Also, if they were invoiced from the vendor but not yet billed to the client.

The Net column represents the net amount ordered for a placement. The Accrued column represents the current balance remaining in the Accrued Media account.

Pre-bill List

The Pre-bill List generates a report to show all media orders not yet billed based upon billing months or a date range. It is recommended this report be run frequently prior to billing media.

Also, including prior bill months such as 201701 thru 201709 will help verify any adjustments for prior months are subsequently billed. Optionally print with Strata Import #.

Select the 'Display Orders for Approval' option to place lines on hold from billing.

Order Detail

The Order Detail report generates a view of line-by-line media order details using the various criteria such as client, vendors, media type, etc. Print as Summary or Detail and optionally with Strata Import #.

Outlet Placements

The Outlet Placements generates a report for placements subtotaled by outlet. It displays one column per month starting with the month, year and number of months entered in the report selection window.

Sort by Outlet only or by Media Type first and generate based on Placement Month or Supplier Invoiced Posting Month.

Client Placements

The report displays one column per month starting with the month and year selected with the number of subsequent months specified.

Subtotal by client/media item, client/outlet, media item/client, client only, client/division, or client/job.

Generate using Net, Gross or Billing amounts. By default, broadcast placements display based on the broadcast calendar, however, the report may optionally generate based on calendar month instead.


The Schedules report generates to view media schedules in a spreadsheet-like format that summarizes by week or month. Print with order or media plans for insertion, broadcast or online.

Weekly format option

Monthly format option

Media Analysis

The Media Analysis report generates to display estimated cost, agency cost, billed amount, and variance for each order during a defined date range by billing month.

Batch Print Media Plan

Use the batch plan printing reporting window to filter and search for media plans which are then selected and submitted for batch printing as Plans or Schedules. Click on the blue plan # to go view the plan.

Batch Print Media Orders

Use the batch order reporting window to filter and search for media order which are then selected and submitted for batch printing and optional approval. Click on an order # to view the order.