Posting of media vendor invoices is performed from one location only under the Supplier Invoice – Post Supl. Invoices option under the media menu. As described previously, the vendor invoices are initially from either the single or group supplier invoice windows.

This process allows you to select specific invoices, which are approved and posts them in one batch journal entry. This facilitates data entry during the entry of vendor invoices and facilitates the processing involved in posting these invoices to general ledger and the posting of job costs and billable amounts to in-house and client jobs. Specifically, it uses the information previously entered for each invoice to perform the following:

  1. Post to general ledger the financial accounts, usually accrued media, and their amounts entered for the invoice. A corresponding credit to accounts payable is also posted for the invoice amount.
  2. Changes the vendor invoice status from VOUCHER to OPEN and marks the invoice as a payable so it is included in the detailed accounts payable journal.
  3. Changes the job charge status from VOUCHR to OPEN, updates the job records with the financial impact of this charge, and, if you are using work in process, marks the charge as an unbilled charge in the work in process journal.

Optionally filter by company, AP account, who entered or vendor name.

Select to sort the list in order by any column by clicking the column header.

Enter the posting date e·silentpartner should use when generating the journal entry. The corresponding GL Period should display formatted as YYYYMM.

Click the checkbox to post all or click the individual checkboxes to select the invoices to post. e·silentpartner will calculate and display the Total Approved amount as invoices are selected from the list.

Click Submit to approve and post the invoices to the general ledger and jobs.

Once the posting is complete, a list of the posted invoices will display with the assigned journal entry number.

Post Client Invoice Locks

To prevent double posting media supplier invoices, an invoice is locked once it is checked for posting in the Media – Supplier Invoice – Post Supl. Invoices window. The invoice remains locked until it is posted or unchecked.

Occasionally, a user will close the posting window and not post the selected invoices. When this occurs, other users will see a message indicating some invoices are not shown since they are already selected by another user for posting.

The next section discusses how a user with security access can remove these invoice locks from the Media – Supplier Invoice – Invoice Locks window.