Learn the basics of creating and maintaining broadcast, print and online
media orders using e·silentpartner.
The Media component of e·silentpartner supports many aspects of media operations and responsibilities within an organization. Within Media, you can:
- Generate Insertion, Broadcast and Online orders.
- Create media plans.
- Import Broadcast schedules and vendor invoices from Strata.
- Reconcile and record supplier invoices.
- Bill clients for placements using defined billing parameters.
- Generate financial, administrative, and scheduling reports related to media.
The Media section is designed so that:
- All media are linked to a vendor, media outlet, client, and Job. Optionally, orders can be linked to campaigns, products, and markets.
- All information needed to develop the placement requirements for media plans or orders is provided in the entry and edit windows.
- Once media orders are approved, they are automatically classified as billable transactions and reside in the system for control reporting.
- The posting of client media billings incorporate accrued media and flows to the accrued media sub ledger as well as accounts receivable, sales, and direct expense accounts.
- Deviations by the supplier to an agency's order can be automatically adjusted at the point of entry of the supplier invoice. Adjusting entries to prior client media billings can be automatically passed through to the client or to the agency.
This user guide will cover the basic information regarding creating and maintaining media orders. Other e·silentpartner media user guides cover billing, media plans, reports, Strata, and setup for media.
Overview of Media Orders
The entry and administration of media orders function similarly:
- A media order can only be linked to one client Job and several media orders can apply to the same Job. The Job must have been previously cited as a 'media job' in the Job Start Entry/Review window. Media orders cannot be entered using a 'non-media' job number.
- A media order can be pro-rated for billing purposes.
- A media order must link to a vendor and an outlet (media publication, station or site) established for that vendor.
- Media orders generally move through three workflow stages:
- REQ. The order is in requisition status, has been entered but not sent to the vendor (supplier).
- OPEN. The order has been approved by the agency and is ready to be sent to the supplier to perform the work. This is an open commitment.
- DONE. The order has been fulfilled. The media order is complete and the vendor has invoiced the agency. This status is also used when an order is adjusted and closed.
- Clients are billed from media orders. When an order is entered, e·silentpartner calculates a billing month when the client should be billed for each line on the order. For U.S Agencies, the billing month for print and online orders is the calendar month in which the insertion is scheduled while the bill month for broadcast media is based on the broadcast calendar.
- e·silentpartner accounts for parameters specified in the client billing section; such as: bill at insertion month, one month prior, two months prior, etc.
- Media orders can be changed as necessary.