Let's review how you can readily assess where you stand financially - right now while the Job is in process.

The focal point of a Job's financial picture is in the Financials section of the Job Start/Entry window. From this panel, you can gauge the financial status of a Job and begin to make the necessary adjustments. This portion of the window is only viewable by those that have Security rights to see financial data.

The following is a typical snapshot of the Job.

Estimate. The total dollar amount of the client estimate before sales tax. This is the sum of each detail line's quantity bid x bid each as was entered in the Job's master estimate.

Actual. Actual expenses incurred to date including Purchase Order (PO) obligations.

Remaining. The difference between estimate and actual.

Open POs. The total amount of Purchase Orders generated for this Job that are outstanding, meaning not received or invoiced yet. If there are open POs, click on the blue label and a pop-up will display the purchase order information.

Billed. The total value of all client invoices generated thus far on this Job. Sales tax from invoices is not included in this accumulator.

Adv Billed. The total amount remaining of invoices generated using the Advance Bill functionality. Advance bills are treated as liabilities until the client is subsequently billed for production charges. At that time, the advance-billed amount is reduced by the amount of production billed UP TO the amount of the advance bill.

Gross Income. The total amount of mark-up billed (presumed gross profit, if the client pays all the invoices) on this Job thus far.

Spent. The total costs (from time sheets, internal charges, vendor invoices), which have been billed to this Job thus far.

Vouchered. The total amount of vendor invoices which have been billed to this Job but have not yet been posted to the general ledger.

Unbilled. The total charges billed to the Job, but not yet billed to the client.

Hold. The total amount of unbilled charges placed on 'Hold'. These charges will not be billed until they are removed from 'Hold'.

Due. The amount the client owes on this Job's invoices. This figure does not include the amount due for sales tax.

PRR. Amount that has been included in the PRR (Projected Revenue Recognition) process.

Write-off Total. If you hover over this link, a window will appear breaking down any of the following Written-off charges.

  • Ext MU. The total markup which could have been realized from these written off external charges.
  • Ext Cost. The total costs of external charges applied to this Job that was written off.
  • Time Cost. The cost plus the markup of time charges applied to this Job that was written off.
  • Internal. The cost plus the markup of internal charges applied to these Jobs that were written off.
  • Total. The total amount of charges applied against this Job that was written off.