Job-related financial functions on one, or across many, jobs in your database.

The Jobs module is where you will perform many functions related to managing projects. In e·silentpartner, all projects are called Jobs. However, others may call these Dockets, Projects, or some other name for the work effort that has a defined beginning and end.

From a day-to-day perspective, the Jobs module is among the most important and utilized module within e·silentpartner. In the Jobs module, you may perform functions such as:

  • Creating project estimates.
  • Assigning team members to various Jobs.
  • Developing Job specifications, change orders, etc.
  • Reviewing charges to specific Jobs.
  • Determining the status of work in progress, completed work, and overdue work.
  • Conducting client billing to create invoices.
  • Printing or emailing invoices.
  • Generating reports to measure among other things, productivity, utilization, profitability, and other aspects of Job related activities.

The Jobs module is designed around the following precepts:

  • Different types of work such as a client job, an internal agency project, or administrative activities should be considered as distinct Jobs.
  • Provides a single point of entry.
  • A Job can be established that is not preceded by an estimate. An estimate for the job (project) may be developed and entered after the work has begun.
  • Estimates may be revised or amended as needed. Estimate revisions for each Job will be retained for tracking and billing purposes.
  • Not all Jobs will be billed. Therefore, ensure that billable and non-billable Jobs are easily recognized and integrated in key financial reports. However, ensure that labor dollars expended on non-billable Jobs are taken into consideration on staff utilization and client profitability analyses.
  • Not all clients or Jobs are billed the same. Provide flexibility in creating different billing scenarios.
  • Provide a complement of reports and on-line queries by which work can be
    administered and tracked. Provide the means to facilitate project planning, to alert management to potential bottlenecks, and to assist in staffing and assignment monitoring.
  • Provide management reporting on staff, Job, and client profitability. Provide these reports in a variety of formats and time frames.

The Jobs module contains the following aspects found under the Jobs menu:

Each of these areas will be described in more detail throughout the remainder of the Jobs User Guides. This specific guide will cover the financial section of Jobs and individual Jobs. Please, check the rest of Jobs User Guides for information on Search and Entry, Communication, and Project Workflow.