We have expanded our estimating capabilities by including embedded rich text in free form formats. This gives you the ability to present internal estimates to clients in a customized way.
Behind the scenes, e·silentpartner is still tracking estimates vs. actuals from the original master estimate.
Step 1
To begin a Proforma Estimate, click on the Proforma Estimate Icon to the left the original Estimate link.
Step 2
At the next screen you can edit the Proforma Estimate including changing the original item name, Distribution %, and/or Estimate Amount.
Step 3
At the next screen, you can further edit the Proforma Estimate including changing the original 1) Category, 2) Group, 3) Date Due, 4) Quantity, and 5) adding line notes. In the line notes, you are given word processing tools to full describe and format your statement of work or description of services.
To proof and/or print the Proforma Estimate, click on the Blue print icon and select your print options just as you would a regular estimate.