The estimate available for your client contact is the current version of the Master Estimate. It will be available only if you previously set it up to be viewable under Client Access.
To review the estimate, the client contact will go under Job# > Estimate and then click on the Title of the estimate to view the printed version.
If you previously activated the “Est Approve” option in Client Access, then your client contact will be able to approve the estimate using the button shown at the bottom of the screen.
If the client approves the estimate, three actions will occur:
- An alert will be displayed on the job’s Project Director’s and Account Executive’s dashboard confirming that the client approved the estimate:
- A note is added to the job that the client approved the estimate. This is visible in the eClient portal under Job# > Notes and also visible for you in your eSP under Job# > Communication > Job Notes.
- Subsequent views of this estimate will include the verbiage “Estimate Approved by...” at the bottom of the estimate and will replace the “Approve” button (only in the eClients portal):