Contacts are tied to Leads. That is to say you can only add a contact once you have created a lead company for that contact. You may then search and add contacts as you please.
To search for specific contacts, click CRM > Contacts. You will be presented with a search window with field parameters for the search.
Once presented with the search results, click on the contact link to be taken to that contact’s file.
Communicating with contacts
You can email contacts right from the system to ensure a trail of all communications. Make sure the contact has an email address, then click on the next to their name to author an email.
Setting up email communications
Make sure you are set up to communicate with contacts properly.
First, set up your email signature in your ‘My Account’ settings.
Second, if you have a standard email message you use on a regular basis, you can set up a template in the Jobs > Setup > Custom Jobs Forms window. Prior to the email, select the template you want to insert. This saves you time from cutting and pasting content.