Job charge entry is one of three types: billable, non-billable or internal. Billable jobs are those jobs for which you will generally generate an invoice, i.e., bill a client. You indicate on a billable job whether, or not the time is billable.

When you setup a billable job, you indicate which rate schedule should be used when subsequent charges are entered against the job. These rate schedules consist of Bill at Rate 1, Rate 2, Rate 3, Cost which is generally extracted from the item’s corresponding Rate 1, Rate 2, Rate 3 or standard Cost.

You could also specify bill at client rates. In this case, the billing amount would be extracted from the item rate setup for the client.

Non-billable jobs are those which you will not bill the client but for which you do want to track time and other expenditures. Let's say you do not bill the client for time expended placing media. In that case, you set up a job for the client and mark it as non-billable.

Internal jobs are generally setup for internal work (admin, self promotions, paid time off etc.).

The above job setup for type of job (billable, non-billable, internal) and what rate schedule (rate 1,2 or 3; cost or client rates) is used when creating an estimate or applying charges to the job is defined in the client setup section

You can overwrite the job setting IF you have the proper security.